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domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

About Wi~Fi Digital Press Publishing Brand:

This new project and concepts are created by Javier "Sama" Acevedo with the colaboration of all our partners. We decided to make this new project., to make in the end an imprint or brand. Publishing creator owned books., where creators could publish their material without giving up the copyrights to the characters they created, as creator-owned properties. All will be in english because its the business and general international language. But any work can be published in any language or format.
Brand was formed under two provisions (Proviciones o reglas): [2]
Brand does not own a creator's work; the creator does.
No brand partner would ever interfere, creatively or financially, with any other's work.
Brand itself owns almost no intellectual property except the company trademarks: its name and its logo.[3]
In the spirit of the second rule, each Brand partner can found his own studio, which published under the Brand banner. There are other services we intent to add like., releases original English graphic novels as well as translated artbooks, manga and manhwa to comic and bookstores all over North America, Europe, etc. The creative services end can be hired by companies to create artwork and design content for a variety of creative industries including comics, video games, toys, RPGs, magazines and more.

This is a new brand for creator owner works its a partnership group of talented creators and artist united to make projects of high quality. All published here is protected by patents by its own creators and authors, Wi~Fi Digital press Name and logo is protected by patents. Wi~Fi Digital Press is not an agency, it's a new brand to publish creator owners works. Contact: Javier Sama E-mail: